
Closure Compiler: Type Checking JavaScript, an overview

November 14, 2009

Type Checking JavaScript View more documents from Pascal-Louis Perez.

Magic with shell

November 13, 2009

Today was one of those days where you wear a big smile all day. I started with some Java for breakfast, continued with a bit of Python, and then got roped in on a red card. (Tonight I’ll get back to JavaScript experimentations.) We use Interactive Brokers for all of our execution, and love their… Read more

Closure Compiler: Checking Types

November 12, 2009

Last week, Google open sourced the Closure Compiler. Jared and I were working on this compiler during our time at on the Gmail team, and you can imagine how happy we were to see this fantastic tool out. My main contribution to the project was the design and implementation of the type system. To use… Read more

iPhone Authentication with Facebook Connect

November 02, 2009

Here at kaChing, we have multiple platforms to access your Virtual Portfolio. Two of those are the iPhone and Facebook. When we released our iPhone app, we wanted Facebook users to easily login using their Facebook credentials. Facebook provides an iPhone library that handles sessions/authentication. To show a login dialog: FBSession *session = [FBSession sessionForApplication:myApiKey… Read more

Wanted: Software Engineer

Join a stellar engineering team whose team members worked on massive backend infrastructure for social networks (Ning, LinkedIn), Gmail’s high performance frontend, the Native Scala Compiler with Prof. Odersky and more. We are test-driven and have a continuous integration process that lets us achieve a 5 minute release cycle! We need engineers to help us… Read more

MySQL Unicode Escape Sequences

October 27, 2009

While debugging some character encoding issues today, I decided it would help to directly populate a database table with some test strings containing non-latin characters. I hoped the mysql client would, by chance, support C-, Java- or Ruby-style Unicode escape sequences. Alas, it does not. A couple of searches later, all I’d found was my… Read more