
A “Reactive” 3D Game Engine in Excel?

April 15, 2013

A great article over at Gamasutra outlines a toy 3D engine that uses a spreadsheet to do the calculations. Instead of the imperative approach, this “engine” is more functional-reactive. As mentioned in our post on Reactive.js the other day, Excel serves as a good metaphor when starting to grok functional reactive programming.

Reactive.js: Functional Reactive Programming in Javascript

April 09, 2013

Reactive.js is a pure Javascript library inspired by Functional Reactive Programming. If you’ve ever used Excel or another spreadsheet program, you’ve already done something like FRP. Reactive.js aims to bring FRP to Javascript by augmenting Javascript functions, allowing you to declare data flows in your code by representing your values as reactive functions that depend on… Read more

Tame long tab titles with dynamically CSS-only scrolling

March 04, 2013

The problem: you have a long title for a tab (or some other small UI element) and it is important for the client to see all of the content, but you lack the space to show it. What do you do? Tooltip? Hide the overflow? Truncate with ellipsis? Here’s a suggestion: “active ellipsis”! Using a… Read more

Quick-n-dirty: Font Awesome icon search utility

December 18, 2012

We love Font Awesome. It has a wealth of very useful icons and now that the set is up to 210 icons we’re also finding it unwieldy to search for that right icon. So we made a super simple search utility. Enter in part of the icon’s class name and matching classes will be displayed…. Read more

Using Underscore.js’s debounce() to filter double-clicks

December 12, 2012

Watching users double-click a form button always makes me cringe. Worse: knowing that AJAX is firing with each click. Instead if flooding our server with AJAX requests it would be nice to limit how frequently the click handler runs. Fortunately, libraries like Underscore.js have wonderful functions like throttle and debounce do just that. But which… Read more

jQuery.Deferred is the most important client-side tool you have

December 04, 2012

jQuery’s introduction of $.Deferred() is one of the library’s most powerful additions in recent history. It’s not a new idea, but it merits an introduction now that it’s available to thousands of client-side developers. At its core, the Deferred pattern is a simple but powerful tool for the management of asynchronous processes. As we all… Read more