Tagged In kawala :
Extreme Testing at kaChing
A few months ago, I was invited to give a tech talk at Google about our testing practices. I finally got around to posting the slides, see below! During the talk, I presented how we achieved our extreme iteration cycle of 5 minutes commit-to-production cycle. Starting at a high level, we looked the two fundamental… Read more
SAM SIG: Applied Lean Startup Ideas: Continuous Deployment at kaChing
Next week we’ll describe how kaChing is applying lean startup ideas, specifically Continuous Deployment. The talk will be an SDForum’s Software Architecture & Modeling Special Interest Group event. We will start by about why continuous deployment is so crucial to operating lean and how that applies to a growing financial company like kaChing. Then, we will… Read more
Instantiators, a Data Driven IoC
We’re working on a new library which will be part of kawala and wanted to share our initial thoughts. The full design doc is available on the wiki. Below, you can watch our design review session. An instantiator is meant to instantiate objects from string representation of its constructor arguments. In addition, instantiators can produce… Read more