
A specific trick and a general habit for achieving fast computations

December 15, 2016

I recently worked on a computation involved in a client-facing projection graph. In order to delight our users, we wanted it to respond instantly to user interaction. However, there are two forces at play that make the calculation complicated: the consistent contributions of recurring deposits and the erratic motion of stock prices. We needed to… Read more

Reflective Metatesting. Protecting You from Yourself and Everybody Else.

November 16, 2016

Infrastructure projects often take user-defined configuration classes as input. I’ve worked on several during my tenure at Wealthfront. You cannot trust the validity of these configurations, even if you wrote them yourself. A pattern I’ve grown to love is writing JUnit tests that use reflection to gather all the input classes to run a suite… Read more

Handling unhandledrejections in Node and the Browser

November 03, 2016

As a financial product, Wealthfront runs on trust. Our clients expect the product to be there for them and work as they expect. Engineering at Wealthfront makes writing high quality tests a priority. For our clients to trust our product and brand, we must ensure we have that same confidence in our tests. We recently… Read more

Checkstyle at Wealthfront

October 26, 2016

At Wealthfront we use Checkstyle to enforce some coding standards, also to detect bad practice at the early stage. In this blog post, we will describe how to configure Checkstyle and how to customize that for our needs. How to configure Checkstyle? There are three components working together to automate all these checks: checkstyle: the tool… Read more

The Perils of Accidental Global Includes in Ruby

October 14, 2016

We deploy our front-end code to production multiple times per day. Our ability to do this is closely tied to our confidence in our test suite and deployment infrastructure. Tens of thousands of tests are run against our code whenever we click the deploy button. Given that this is the case, when something happens that… Read more

How we use Mocha and jsdom with CoderPad for Frontend interviews

September 27, 2016

At Wealthfront, our goal for interviews is simply to assess whether the candidate would be successful as an employee. The most important thing for us is to learn how they think and if they will excel at the job we are hiring them for. When interviewing frontend engineering candidates, we want them to write real… Read more