
How to Make Your Persistent Queues Run Faster Safely

May 04, 2016

What is a Persistent Queue? A persistent queue is a list of objects that persist in the database waiting to be polled and processed in some way. Usually it is a table that has columns for data, timestamp of when the object persisted, and timestamp of when the object is polled. As opposed to an… Read more

Configuration… Hardcode it!

November 21, 2013

If you’ve read other Wealthfront engineering blog posts (Continuous Deployment: API Compatibility Verification, Move cash faster, Pushing a Feature On My First Day), you’re aware that continous integration and deployment forms the core of our development process. Many consequences of a continuous integration and deployment process such as ours are obvious – high confidence test… Read more

Monitoring Long Running MySQL Queries with Nagios

November 15, 2010

We’ve been using Nagios as part of our monitoring infrastructure from some time now and it has been very useful to monitor our databases. To look at long running queries (those whose running time is measured in seconds) we use the show processlist command. Here is what the output looks like on an empty machine…. Read more

Migrating a Hibernate Bag to a Hibernate List

October 27, 2010

We ran into an issue recently where we needed to move from a Hibernate bag to an explicitly ordered list. Our root entity is a TaskSchedule, which has many Task(s). We needed to add a list_index column to the Task table, populate the new column and then update our code to use it. Because Hibernate… Read more

No Downtime Database Schema Changes

August 15, 2010

Maintaining database compatibility while deploying north of 30 times a day often raises a slew of questions during our tech talks. In this post, we will cover backward and forward compatible database schema changes. We will survey specific classes of change and describe how they enable no downtime rollouts. For formalists out there, we are… Read more