
Scala on Eclipse without the plugin

June 20, 2010

The Scala supported IDE is one of the few pain points of developers who want to start using Scala in their Java project. On existing long term project developed by a team its hard to step in and introduce a new language that is not supported by the existing IDE. On way to go about… Read more

A Better Option for Java

May 04, 2010

If you are somewhat familiar with Scala or Haskell, you are probably used to Option[T] or Maybe a, the neat way to pass around “partial values” – values that may be missing. Maybe a in Haskell represents either Nothing or Just x for some x of type a. In Scala Option[T] is either Nothing or… Read more

Attaching a Java debugger to the Scala REPL

December 29, 2009

I’m using the Scala REPL to play around with java libraries and check their runtime behaviors. One of the things I’m using it for is to check how Voldemort’s client is behaving in different setups. For one of the checks I wanted to trace the client threads with an IDE debugger. To attach a debugger… Read more