
Tagged in design-systems :


Creating Wealthfront Android Design System Resources Package

Current system As part of building a multi-platform design system, the Design System team at Wealthfront revised our color system to support generating application themes from a given set of brand colors. After defining an algorithm for this, we codified it into a theme generator  script which generates output for all platforms: XML for Android, JSON… Read more

March 17, 2023 ,

Spencer Miskoviak

Building Wealthfront’s multi-platform design system

Over the past two years at Wealthfront we’ve been building a design system from the ground up across all our frontend platforms: Android, iOS, and web. If you’re a Wealthfront client you may have noticed sweeping, iterative visual changes across our apps as we introduced new components and migrated features to adopt these components. At… Read more

May 10, 2022 , , ,