Tagged in espresso :
Designing a harness for readable, thorough Android tests
At Wealthfront, we are committed to automation – both in the products we build, and in how we ensure quality. In this post we’ll explore how our automated test harness enables Android developers to quickly build tests for almost any scenario. Part 1: Writing “fluent” Espresso test code Since they are designed to operate in… Read more
Targeting Android SDK 30
When Google announced that Play Store apps must target SDK 30 by August, our team started investigating what it would take to meet this requirement. Now, with our migration to SDK 30 complete, we’d like to detail the changes our team made. This is not meant to be an exhaustive migration guide – but hopefully… Read more
Espresso-friendly Bottom Sheet interactions
Like many other integration testing frameworks, Android’s Espresso provides a management layer for asynchronous operations. Correct usage of this layer allows the test author to treat long-running activities as if they were synchronous, resulting in reliable UI tests. In this post, we’ll describe how we used Espresso to build reliable tests for one such behavior… Read more