
Tagged in typescript :

Elan Medoff

Revamping Data Fetching Patterns on the Web Platform

Client-side data fetching is an essential part of the web app at Wealthfront.  Traditionally, we fetched data from the Wealthfront API globally: we’d load all the data necessary for the entire page and store it in global state for components on the page to pull from. Crucially, the bulk of this data fetching logic was… Read more

Spencer Miskoviak

Migrating the Wealthfront web app to TypeScript

Over two years ago, the Wealthfront web team began adopting TypeScript to take advantage of the type safety and related functionality it enables. This is a common migration in the past few years across the industry since the web community mostly settled on TypeScript as the language of choice. Since then, the codebase has naturally… Read more

November 01, 2022 ,