jQuery.data(): underappreciated
One of the most underappreciated jQuery methods has to be .data(). It allows you to associate arbitrary named values with DOM elements. Usage is simple: $(“body”).data(“x”, 1); $(“body”).data(“y”, someObject); You can store any data types and expect the same back. As a web developer, I’m sure some of you have assigned arbitrary… Read more
Applied Lean Startup Ideas: Continuous Deployment at kaChing; Slides!
Earlier tonight a group from our engineering team headed over to SDForum‘s Software Architecture & Modeling Special Interest Group to discuss our thoughts on lean startups and continuous deployment. We had a great time and the quality of questions was amazing. Thanks to SDForum for hosting us, we enjoyed it! Video from the talk… Read more
Hosting Stanford’s Palo Alto Bike Tour
Yesterday, we had the pleasure to host the first “Stanford Bike Tour” organized by Ibrahim Elbouchikhi. It is a chance for Stanford students to hop on a bike, and cross over to the neighboring valley!
Extreme Testing at kaChing
A few months ago, I was invited to give a tech talk at Google about our testing practices. I finally got around to posting the slides, see below! During the talk, I presented how we achieved our extreme iteration cycle of 5 minutes commit-to-production cycle. Starting at a high level, we looked the two fundamental… Read more
SAM SIG: Applied Lean Startup Ideas: Continuous Deployment at kaChing
Next week we’ll describe how kaChing is applying lean startup ideas, specifically Continuous Deployment. The talk will be an SDForum’s Software Architecture & Modeling Special Interest Group event. We will start by about why continuous deployment is so crucial to operating lean and how that applies to a growing financial company like kaChing. Then, we will… Read more
MySQL and CSV to Python Objects (Made Easy)
So, I like nice, clean code as much as the next guy, and probably even more. Good code is elegant like poetry. Bad code is gross and offensive. I’ll be honest, I’ve written my share of gross code (I’m certain there’s a special place in software development hell for people like me). Unfortunately, sometimes for… Read more