
Tagged in web :

Andrew Easton

Upgrading to React 17: How to Fix the Issues and Breaking Changes

React 17 mostly focused on under the hood changes that will make it easier for consumers to gradually upgrade in the future. There were no new features and the breaking changes, in theory, affected few consumer components. While upgrading at Wealthfront was certainly more straightforward than past versions, we still had a few issues to… Read more

January 14, 2021 ,

Spencer Miskoviak

Streamline development with Custom DevTools

Today, DevTools are ubiquitous when developing web apps because of their ability to inspect, debug, modify, automate, and more. While it can sometimes seem that having many distinct DevTools is unnecessary, each tool falls at a different point on the spectrum of developer needs. As needs become more specialized and focused, so do the tools…. Read more

December 09, 2020 ,

Andrew Easton

Building a truly accessible clickable div

When developing features at Wealthfront, it is somewhat common to receive a design mock where an entire card is clickable. One example is the account card on a client’s dashboard. The link itself is highlighted by our purple primary text, and clicking it takes you to the corresponding Wealthfront account page. In fact, clicking anywhere… Read more

October 01, 2020 , ,