
Tagged in dagger :

Naren Manoharan

Android App Modularization at Wealthfront (Part 3)

In the previous blog post, we looked at how we started with modularization and refactored our existing code into the legacy module which was ready to be modularized into smaller infrastructure and feature modules. In this blog post, we will go in detail about how we’d refactored our infrastructure modules with the help of interfaces. … Read more

Naren Manoharan

Android App Modularization at Wealthfront (Part 2)

In the previous blog post, we looked at how the project was initially set up, and now we will take a look at how we started organizing features into Gradle modules. To ensure a consistent bucketing strategy throughout the migration period, we decided that it would be ideal to place any new code inside dedicated… Read more

Naren Manoharan

Android App Modularization at Wealthfront (Part 1)

App modularization is the process of spitting a monolithic architecture into much smaller components with high cohesion and low coupling. In layman’s terms, chopping down a very large codebase into smaller digestible (ideally independent) pieces that share a common responsibility. Our main goal was to improve the incremental build times of the application to boost… Read more