Tagged in end-to-end testing :
Retrying e2e test suites with Jest
At Wealthfront, we pride ourselves on reliable test coverage across our codebases. However, like many engineering teams, we haven’t been able to completely eliminate flakiness from our end to end (e2e) test suites. While migrating to puppeteer certainly helped, it didn’t eliminate the problem entirely. We’ll get into what causes these flakes below, but suffice… Read more
Migrating from Capybara to Puppeteer
A little over 9 months ago, Wealthfront converted 100% of our end-to-end tests from Selenium (via Capybara) to Puppeteer. The process involved converting hundreds of tests that provide coverage for just about all of Wealthfront’s product offerings on the website. This blog post will cover why we migrated away from Selenium, the process we used… Read more