
How Bandit Testing Improves A/B Tests at Wealthfront

What is bandit testing? You’ve probably heard of A/B testing, but you may not be familiar with its alternative — bandit testing. As a reminder, an A/B test consists of one or more variants and a “control”. The control should replicate the existing experience, if applicable. Each variant will result in a different experience for… Read more

Intelligent Metrics Monitoring

August 12, 2016

Here at Wealthfront we have many offline computations running in Spark. In some cases, small changes have caused a job to slow down dramatically, and other times, the size of the input may be growing and causing the job runtime to quickly increase. We normally check pipeline runtimes manually to make sure jobs are running… Read more

How to Make Your Persistent Queues Run Faster Safely

May 04, 2016

What is a Persistent Queue? A persistent queue is a list of objects that persist in the database waiting to be polled and processed in some way. Usually it is a table that has columns for data, timestamp of when the object persisted, and timestamp of when the object is polled. As opposed to an… Read more

Summer Spent Learning and Experimenting

August 22, 2014

Though my decision of where to spend my 2014 summer may not carry the same drama or headlines as Lebron’s summer decision, my experiences this summer would undoubtedly influence my pursuits after college. My priority was to find an internship program with supportive mentors and a company with an engineering backbone. In these aspects, Wealthfront… Read more

Building the Startup Compensation Visualization

October 04, 2012

We recently published a company blog post titled Manage Your Tech Career that featured a visualization of “Startup Salary & Equity Compensation” across different job functions, levels, company sizes and regions. The post received more traffic than we anticipated, and a lot of people have asked questions about the tool. Here I’d like to tell… Read more

Explore Your Multivariate Data with Crossfilter

September 05, 2012

In every business, developing a deep understanding of your customers is a necessity if you want to consistently exceed their expectations for your product or service. Every page a customer views is likely generating metrics that will eventually be crunched and digested in every effort to help your company improve even just a little bit… Read more